Benefit of the water in our bodies
Author: Alexander Gavino López Suárez
People to stay in good condition, they need to eat a
lot of nutrients. Usually, humans acquire nutrients in your diary alimentation.
But, the food isn’t just it that the people need it, also, people need to drink
much water to complete a good alimentation. The water helps us to be healthy,
water helps us to remain clean and water is something that we have fun with it.
of all, the humans live in a changeable world, where we find all the necessary
resources for life. The water is an element indispensable for life, therefore,
we can't live without it. We need the water for some reasons: when we do sports,
we perspire, then our bodies need to drink water to keep energy. Also, the
water is free or cheaper than other beverages like; soda and coffee which have
a lot of fat. The water helps to prevent illnesses. If we drink a lot of water,
we will not have problems constipation. Those are some aspects that interest me
Usually, all athletes comply a balanced diet to pay at
maximum, so, everyone should eat a balanced diet to maintain a well-developed
body. But, when we do sport, we perspire, so we need to ingest much water to
keep all the energy essential. And we can give all in the different sport
disciplines. There are many different sports by which humans lose calories
depending of the tastes and conditions of each person; some prefer to brave
sport and they engaged only that like
their work, other simply do it for fun. Who are dedicated only to the
sport, usually they have more probability that they don't suffer illnesses than
others who do not play sports. In our country, in all institutions is recommended
practice sport and in the television shows campaigns to practice sport every
day, at least 30 minutes. The water helps us to we don’t having muscle cramps.
So all the people who play sports, necessarily have to be hydrated to keep
energy. Who practiced sport first have to warm your body to not suffer muscle
The water acts as a defender of diseases. Our bodies
need much water because when we ingest food, the water helps bowel movement. On
the contrary, when we are dehydrated, the colon is left dry because the body
absorbs all the water, so it is most difficult move waste, and the people may
have some illnesses like: gastritis, heartburn and ulcers. Gastritis is a
disease that people have because they drink alcohol, ingest drug, even when the
people have extreme stress. Ulcers is a disease that people may or may not have
symptoms, usually the people with this disease have as burning, sensation of
hunger painful, vomiting, weight loss, among others. Then the water helps the
people don’t have gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, etc. because these are some
dangerous illnesses and one person can’t has a good life. Also, it is very
important to mention that pregnant women need more water than other people
because they need to feed their babies and so they have the breast milk
necessary for the growth of their babies. Also, the water helps us in a problem
to worldwide that teens have it. This problem is known as acne. Acne is caused
by the accumulation of fat and infections in our skin. The acne is present on
the face, back, arms and chest. This problem can be eliminated if we just will
drink six to eight glasses of water diary according to research by the American
university. Then, a lot of teens spend much money every month to clean acne.
So, it is recommended to drink much water each day.
one reason why we should prefer water than other beverages, we have to drink
water because the water is the beverage most economic in all the world. So,
when choosing water, we save money. We can find water any place of planet,
cities, fields, jungles, etc. But, if we got used to beverages dyes like soda,
we can't find they easily in any places, which may cause inconvenience to our
body because it is got used. Our bodies have around 70 percent and 80 percent
of water from birth until old age. Above all, the water acts like regulation of
body temperature. Some people suffer illnesses known it like low temperature
and high temperature. And our bodies know it when it has cold or heat. If we
have cold, our bodies will tremble. The body movement gives us heat. Therefore,
it is advisable do exercise to keep warm. Also our planet is conformed of 75
percent of water and 25 percent of earth, so everything is made from water. Water
also helps us maintain a refreshed mind so we can reason easily. Thanks to the
water we can think best, so we can improve our level of knowledge. If we drink
much water, we will have best concentration in our studies, in the job, in our
homework, among other duties.
Second, the water helps us to remain clean. Thanks
to the water we can keep all our body clean to avoid infections. It is very
important to have a clean skin, therefore, the water acts as the only element
to clean it. The water clean the skin eliminating toxins. So we have a best
skin if we drink a lot of water. Also, we use the water to take a shower.
Always we use the water for all. Apart from serve the water to clean our
bodies, water is also essential to cook the food for complete a good
alimentation and we stay with the energies necessary for our daily work. Also,
the water clean not only the humans, also it serves to wash objects and bathe
pets. Also, the water helps transport substances, so it is considered like the
most important of the inorganic compounds in the world. All species in the world need the water;
animals, birds, fish, humans, the plants, even to realize experiment and
things. So, I can say that the water is used every day in our life. If water
not exist, the life not exist. As several investigations and theories of life
like Charles Darwin's theory, mentioned that life evolved and so our bodies
were formed from many changes. Humans were not the first to live in this land. All
this you need to know to understand how the water is so important for
development of our bodies, and we could have all its utility.
water also helps us weight loss. The water replaces your mood to eat other
foods, so we do not have much appetite if our stomach is a good amount of
water. But, the most important of the water is that it has no sugars or fats
which increase your weight. Even the water helps us to improve mood because the
water the bodies are in the proper functioning then you feel best and you will
be happy. Bad breath is other signal that the body needs much water. When we
have a bad breath primary we have to do is drink more water because our tongue
needs to be wet all the time. The water serves to the blood can carry oxygen,
so the heart has not work much. Then the heart not have to work hard if we
maintain a good hydration. The water is a controller of our body because this
helps to delay aging. For this reason, the people that want having a
well-developed body their doctors recommended them drink much water. So
important is the water in the performance of our bodies. Water is the element
that we can find in any place of our planet and is the most amazing compound in
all the earth. Everything in this planet has been made from water. And the
people can fun with all things.
water is something that we have fun with it. The water apart from giving us
their utility for life, this also serve to people who want to have fun. The
people have created different games with the water, some are traditional like
carnival, and others people building many pool. Really exist many things
realized with the water as satisfaction for the humans. The swimming pools are
the primary places where the people go it to have a good time like vacations,
etc. In malls create ice rinks where the people have a lot of fun and can
practice much exercise. In Ecuador and all South America celebrate the
carnival, this time is really amazing because all people can play with water.
For example: in time of carnival some people don’t work, therefore they prefer
having a specially moment with their friends or family. Usually, the people
travel other cities to spent time with the peoples that they love them. In my
family, in our last carnival we went to the beach in the Coastal Region. That
vacation was really fantastic because we could appreciate the sound of the sea.
Also, we went to fish in a big lake. That water has light color and we saw a
lot of beautiful fishes.
the contrary, aspects negative of the water, the water is the causative of a
lot of disasters in all planet. It isn’t controlled for the humans. These are
natural disasters. The water in the ocean, where may occur the birth of
tsunamis. This brings various disasters in the coasts of each country, and the
people are the primary affects in many ways. The people that work at sea like
fishermen, they have a lot of problems because their boats are destroyed. And
all the houses that was built near of the sea, are destroyed too. So, tsunamis
leaves several consequence; families houseless, people affected with many debts,
even human losses. Also can be occur heavy rains which causes landslides of the
earth especially in the mountainous areas. When occur landslides of the earth
not only humans are affected, but also the animals that live in these areas are
affected. For example, when a landslide occurs brings several impacts like;
destruction of trees, loss of animals, people affected or dead, road obstacle
and especially spending money. Those are some consequence that can occur in a
landslides. And, if a road is obstacle, the people that travel they will not,
so it affect not only the people of this place but also people that circulate
for that place.
As a
result, while I was writing this essay, I learned many aspects of the water and
its influence in the world. Now, I know that water is the indispensable
resource for the life. So, plants, animal and human being cannot live without
the water. All the people to maintain a well-developed body, is necessary to
drink much water. Then, water acts of different ways in the human’s bodies and
the things that people building to be comfortable. The water is in all our body
and it helps to keep cleaning within of our organism and out in our skin. Also,
I learned that water acts like the means of transport of the food we eat. Although,
from another perspective the water in its different dimensions hurts us caused
of the natural disasters by Mother Earth. Also, the water is the liquid
substance that the people can use it for fun. Finally, I can say that water is
very important in the diary activities of the humans, apart water helps us in
the functioning of our body, it also serve like tool in the workplace. The
water is the mechanism to keep our body free from many diseases. If water not
exist then the life not exist.
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